
When we lead with knowledge
In many organizations, knowledge-based management is emphasized. And that's good. Leading with ignorance doesn't sound good and doesn't make sense. But when we talk about knowledge-based leadership, what kind of knowledge and information are we talking about?
Monessa organisaatiossa korostetaan tiedolla johtamista. Ja se on hyvä. Tietämättömyydellä johtaminen ei kuulosta hyvältä eikä ole järkevää. Mutta kun puhumme tiedolla johtamisesta, niin mistä tiedosta puhumme?
At the core of visionary invention lies a surprising skill
Do we dare to direct our gaze to where humanity's potential has produced radical new knowledge and amazing pioneering? It does not mean abandoning scientific methods, rather utilizing the full human potential.

Rohkenemmeko suunnata katseemme sinne, missä ihmisyyden potentiaalit ovat tuottaneet radikaalia uutta tietoa ja hämmästyttävää edellä kävijyyttä? Se ei tarkoita tieteellisten menetelmien hylkäämistä, vaan koko inhimillisen potentiaalin hyödyntämistä.

Can we afford to ignore the potential of our creative minds
The marginalization of the most ingenious aspects of our human mind could be compared to a situation where each of us lives in a skyscraper but is only allowed to use the first two floors.
Mielen nerokkaimpien puolien marginalisointia voisi verrata tilanteeseen, jossa jokainen meistä elää kerrostalossa, mutta on sallittua käyttää vain kahta alinta kerrosta.
Solving the Impossible: How to Harness Three Diverse Intuitions in Teams
The human brain has built-in ingenious abilities to invent novelties, to solve impossibilities, and to envision the future. Benefiting from this potential is essential, as we are surrounded by tremendously difficult problems.

Toward Solving The Impossible Problems
In many organizations, knowledge-based management is emphasized. And that's good. Leading with ignorance doesn't sound good and doesn't make sense. But when we talk about knowledge-based leadership, what kind of knowledge and information are we talking about?
Source references / lähdeviitteet
Raami, A. (2015). Intuition Unleashed. Doctoral dissertation, Aalto University. Open access.
Raami, A. (2016). Älykäs intuitio ja miten käytämme sitä. Kustantamo S&S.
Raami, A. (2018). Towards solving the impossible problems. In J. W. Cook (Ed.), Sustainability, human well-being and the future of education (pp. 201–233). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Raami, A. (2019). Solving the Impossible – How to harness three diverse intuitions in teams. In J. Liebowitz (Ed.), Developing Informed Intuition for Decision Making (pp. 83-99). Taylor & Francis.
Raami, A. (2020). Intuitio3 – Yhteys mahdottoman ratkaisuun. Otava.